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Check Pinterest for Some EMPOWER Links

I’ve been curating good links on both Pinterest

(http://pinterest.com/franvt/empower-learning/ ) and ScoopIt


Take a look!

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EMPOWER Learning

I’ve been busy curating across several topics:  metacognition, dialogue, higher order thinking/problem solving, elearning, and learners with challenges.  Mostly I curate on Scoopit and Pinterest.  Today I started a new Board:  EMPOWER Learning:  Frameworks for meeting 21st Century learning challenges.  Emotional Intelligence, Metacognition, Purpose, Ownership, Work, Engagement, Representation.

I hope to bring together many of the  current “proposals” for addressing  issues related to learning and learner challenges.  I am very aware of the challenges practicing teachers face as they try to keep up with all of the information and ideas out there on improving education.  My hope is that this simple title (acronym) will make it clear where I am coming from.  I consider all of the EMPOWER Learning frameworks critical to creating learning communities that will work to ensure that  all learners are successful in whatever they pursue.

Take a look and please help by offering links for my Pinterest Board:  EMPOWER Learning.  If you can identify which framework you’re referencing that would also be helpful.

In the next few weeks, I will reference each of these frameworks:  where they originate, what they offer, and how you can access some of the links.  I will also offer my views on how you might translate the ideas for middle school kids.



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