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Individual Differences “Characteristics” Across Models

Please see this Grow and Learn Wiki link:


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Looking at Individual Differences

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Not sure of the origin of this post, but I think it is worth thinking about!

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I’ll Be Back Soon

Just finished working on an important deadline, but will restart this blog sequences about Individual Differences this week.

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Choosing and Using Frameworks for Understanding “individual differences”

I have lots of questions!

If we count each framework separately we arrive at 4 Developmental Frameworks (Piaget, Vygotsky, Flavell, Sternberg), 4 Popular Single Factor Framework, (Grit, Growth Mindset,  Mindfulness and Agency/Self-Direction), 1 Multiple “characteristics” framework (Habits of Mind), 2 Intelligence/Cognitive Tests (WISC-V and SJV COG), Two Curriculum Based Frameworks (Differentiated Instruction and CAST), 1 “Personalized Learning” framework, and my earlier framework (CARE NOTES).

How might we compare and choose a framework? Is it doable?  valuable? context dependent?  Where might such analysis/comparison take us?  How does a teacher or school focus on one or more of these frameworks in order to more specifically and effective address the strengths and challenges of individual students? What role do parents play in choosing a way to describe their child?

Where might we start?

Is the framework easily understood?

Is it possible that some frameworks overlap with other frameworks?

How is a framework chosen?

…on the basis of teacher/school purpose;

…on the basis of ease of understanding and implementing the framework;

…on the basis of evidence of the framework’s effectiveness;

…on the basis of ease of implementing;

…on the basis of family and child input.

Are there examples of the frameworks use?  Effectiveness?








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The 2nd of 2 Major Cognitive Assessment Batteries

Woodcock-Johnson IV Test of Cognitive Abilities  To see details click link below.


The WJ IV is a broad-scope assessment system that is based on state-of-the-science tests for individual evaluation of academic achievement, cognitive abilities, and oral language. The system is organized into three independent, complementary, and co-normed batteries: the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement (WJ IV ACH), the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ IV COG), and the new WoodcockJohnson IV Tests of Oral Language (WJ IV OL). The three batteries can be used independently or together in any combination. The WJ IV provides professionals with the most contemporary and comprehensive system for identification of patterns of strengths and weaknesses among important cognitive, language, and academic abilities.”

“WJ IV TESTS OF COGNITIVE ABILITIES The WJ IV COG is carefully engineered to be the most contemporary and broadly useful battery for an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses among cognitive abilities. Since CHC theory was first articulated almost 15 years ago, a great deal of research has both confirmed the merits of the theory and at the same time pointed to the need for increased specification, explanation, and amendments to the initial postulates. The WJ IV COG is designed to maintain the cutting edge of contemporary assessment practice by moving beyond the initial specification of CHC theory with an updated model for interpretation of test results. This is based on recent research that informs the nature of the constituent cognitive abilities that are measured by each test and cluster. New tests and clusters are based on broad psychometric evidence and neuroscientific research. In its redesign, emphasis has been placed on the most important cognitive abilities. The WJ IV COG tests and clusters yield important diagnostic information, are useful in identifying exceptionalities and disabilities, and can be directly linked to interventions or accommodations. (p. 7)”

References Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, P.L.N., 118 Stat 2647. (2004). Schrank, F.A., McGrew, K.S., Mather, N., & Woodcock, R.W. (2014). Woodcock-Johnson IV. Rolling Meadows, IL: Riverside Publishing


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Using “Intelligence” Tests to Describe Individual Differences

Focus on “Intelligence” as an Individual Difference

There are two commonly used tools to look at difference in intelligence:  The WISC-R and the Woodcock Johnson Cognitive Test.  These tests are (often/sometimes?) used to determine a critical difference between “achievement” and “ability” relative to classroom curricula.  These discrepancies may be used to determine eligibility for special education.  Here is a link for WISC-V


See http://www.myschoolpsychology.com/test-tools/wisc-5/


Other tools:  Administration and Interpretation: Qualification for Use of this Test





See http://www.myschoolpsychology.com/test-tools/wisc-5/




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