
Learn: what…why…how…you and…

Revisiting My Learn to Learn Wiki

I’m working on reposting some of my wiki pages.  Let’s see if this works.


To get this link to work, you have to highlight and click.  You get a menu and then click, go to this post.  There must be a better way to do this.

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Learning About Learning: Working Memory

Learning is  “multidimensional.”  Here is one important dimension!

Here is a link to add to your knowledge base about learning:


Put Working Memory to Work in Learning

February 12, 2015  Donna Wilson, Ph.D.

Developer of Masters and Ed.S. Degree Programs in Brain-Based Teaching

An excerpt:

“Working memory involves the conscious processing and managing of information required to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning, reasoning, and comprehension. It has been described as the brain’s conductor. Memory has long been viewed as a key aspect of learning, but as the emphasis in educational standards has shifted away from rote memorization and toward the knowledge and skills needed to process new information, working memory is increasingly taking center stage.”

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Some Meta Videos

Meta links courtesy of Caitlin Bianchi, Williston Central School

The Journey to Excellent: Scotland
Thinking and Metacognition: Carroll McGuinness (7 Minutes)
An excerpt from the Transcript

Transcript (Three Stages: Plan, Monitor, Evaluate)
There is another kind of thinking that has been increasingly recognised as being important in this effort to teach thinking. And it’s a thing we call metacognition or thinking about the thinking, because as well as doing the thinking all of those good things that I have outlined – we also have to recognise that we are doing it. And we are back to trying to be able to use those ways of thinking in new contexts. And unless those ways of thinking are made fairly visible and explicit to us – either just after we have done it or while we are doing it, we may not even know we have done it. So, therefore, we are not equipped to use it again in a new context, and that is really what this thinking about thinking is for.

Metacognition: Stephen Heppell (3 Minutes)
Follow Stephen Heppell’s views as he explores how metacognition can help a young person to become a co-producer and explorer of their learning, rather than a consumer.

Dyland William: Metacogntion (2.5 minutes)
Watch Dylan Wiliam talk about the importance of young people being able to reflect on their learning and how teachers can utilise these insights.

Note that this last video focuses on the affective dimensions of “Metacogntion” sometimes referred to as “Hot Cognition” (more later)

Dyland Williams: Learning About Learning : Self-Efficacy(2 Minutes)
Hear Dylan Wiliam describe the impact and the dangers of implementing strategies aimed at raising the self-esteem of young people without increasing their self-efficacy.

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