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Collaborative Learning Can Begin in Kindergarten

A Culture of Learning: Connecting

Posted on March 29, 2015 | By Sharon Davison, Vermont Kindergarten Teacher


A short excerpt:

“Lately I have been thinking a lot about the importance of having learning opportunities available throughout the day, but also thinking about where are the times, the moments where my students have choice and also opportunities to collaborate around an idea and interest…..


When I create opportunities to work alongside my students I am also modeling the importance of a collaborative, rich, interactive learning culture too. I have noticed lots of my students seeking out places inside our classroom where they can connect and collaborate with others. These partnerships, opportunities for collaboration are important because they all help shape the classroom culture. All students begin to take risks and reach out to others to explore an idea. Students begin to connect, collaborate, share their ideas and have conversations that offer invitations to reflect…..”

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