
Learn: what…why…how…you and…

Engaging learners in learning

I  have just been “curating” on the topic of motivation/engagement.  How do we get kids, especially middle school kids or struggling learners, to get interested in and stick with a learning task.  A recent blog by David Warlick* offers some ideas.   The title is “What does it mean to be learned?”  He talks about kids’ engagement with video games and how they seem to change the behavior of the learner from compliant student to investment learner.  That is, the student invests in his/her own learning.  He suggests 4 qualities of game learning that “seem particularly potent”:

1.  The experiences are responsive

2.  They provoke conversation

3.  They inspire personal investment

4.  They (the experiences) are guided by safely-made mistakes.

*Take a look:  http://smartblogs.com/education/2012/07/20/what-mean-learned/


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